Tanja’s Iyenga yoga classes concentrate on the more physical aspects of the poses (asanas), which suits me fine (not being someone who has much affiliation with all things mystical). But through the excercises, a more mindful, inner peace develops. She guides us through a different aspect each class, like stretching or twisting asanas, gradually building up to the full pose. She knows the individual abilities and limitations of her students, gently encouraging him or her to go just that little bit further to achieve the pose, or suggesting alternatives in the case of (sport) injuries.
She has a relaxing, encouraging voice, especially if she gives a bi-lingual class in English and Russian (which I do not understand, but is very soothing to hear!).
I hope you will join her class – you will not regret it!

I have been practicing Iyengar yoga for few years already and seen many teachers and studios. Being in Tanya’s class is always a very positive experience, you leave the class energized and calm at the same time and her passion and devotion are transmitted to us. We all are challenged during the class but our boundaries are recognized, we feel her confidence but being in doubt is also ok for her.

Absolutely amazing experience. Just what I wanted – to restore my
body, and my spirit. Plus, I built strength, increased my flexibility.
I am really enjoying this yoga classes thanks to Tanya.

For someone who has not done Yoga before, it appears to be not just a “sport” or “good exercise”, even though it involves a great deal of physical effort. Yoga is a path – you step on it and it takes you as far, as you are willing to go. And walking along a path more than anything you need a good guide – the one that, of course, knows his or her way; the one that will put you back on track, if you loose direction; the one that will lift your spirits, when you are exhausted and can, seemingly, march not a single step forward. In addition to all of the above, this guide has to be a person you can share the road with, for the road is not made of hours and days, but of months and years…
Tatyana Zanina is that kind of guide. She is passionate and knowledgeable about the art of Yoga, she is attentive to each of her students, and she has a personality that after class makes you want to just chat about life or mention the beautiful rainbow seen above the building. She walks you along the path of Yoga, sometimes drives you to places, you never knew you could reach; at the same time, she is mindful of your individual limits and development needs.
Thank you for showing me the way
Although I tried yoga a few times before, I must say I truly discovered yoga for myself only with Tanya. I joined her classes 7 month ago and since that I feel that my body is really waiting for every next lesson. Thanks to her gentle and personal approach, her willingness to help, encouragement to achieve more, to believe, to discover what you can do or you can do better makes you feel more confident and proud and grateful to your own body for doing yoga.